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Performing Scheduled Maintenance Improves Resale Value

by admin on September 18, 2021
Performing Scheduled Maintenance Improves Resale Value

With the purchase of a luxurious house, car or anything life supporting comes the amount of dedication, discipline and commitment of maintaining it, from repairs to keeping it clean.Many types of repairs are “do it yourself” (DIY) projects, while others may be so complicated, time-consuming or risky as to suggest the assistance of a qualified handyman, property manager, contractor/builder, or other professionals.

Maintenance also falls under the general class of home repairs.These are inspections, adjustments, cleaning, or replacements that should be done regularly to avoid costly emergencies.

Often on the bottom of people’s to-do list is home maintenance chores, such as, landscaping, window power washing the siding and hard-scape, etc. However, these maintenance chores pay for themselves over time; lack of maintenance will cost more due to higher costs associated with repairs or replacements to be made later. It requires discipline and learning aptitude to repair and maintain the home in good condition.

It will usually involve things like making minor repairs to equipment around the house, looking for leaks and cracks in walls and roofs, flooring and wall paints.

House Maintenance Improves Resale Value

Keeping your home well-maintained and up-to-date is going to significantly affect its resale value. While most maintenance items affect the functionality of your home, you can’t overlook the aesthetic aspects as well. Other maintenance items that could add value to your house includes updating doors and windows. In many modern homes, one of the first things prospective buyers see is the working condition.

1. Maintenance Reduces Repair Costs

Another important reason to do maintenance on your home is to reduce the likelihood that a major repair or break down will occur. It’s not uncommon for repair bills for major issues to run into the thousands of rupees. Some important things that need maintenance are appliances, HVAC systems, windows, doors, and roofs just to name a few. Plumbing and Fixtures, small leaks can occur almost anywhere at any time. Without detection and repair, a small leak can easily turn into a big, expensive headache.

2. Performing Maintenance Improves Resale Value

Keeping your home well-maintained and up-to-date is going to significantly affect its resale value.While most maintenance items affect the functionality of your home, you can’t overlook the aesthetic aspects as well.Other maintenance items that could add value to your house includes updating doors and windows.In many modern homes, one of the first things prospective buyers see is the working condition.

3. Run water and flush toilets in unused bathrooms

This tip is especially important in guest rooms or rooms which are not used on a regular basis. The purpose is to clean the bathroom as well as to prevent grime or any other kind of build up due to water accumulation in the toilets.

4. Check Gas Pipes

Check Gas Pipes for incorrect bends, breakage or leakage. Also, check there are no loose ends on the gas pipe for your safety.

5. Paint

Check the exterior of the house, especially the paint. You might need a touch-up on the paint once a year. You can do it yourself or hire a professional who can help you put a fresh coat. Never schedule the paint during the monsoons as rain or moisture may damage the wet paint.

Home maintenance can include a long list of tasks and can be intimidating to begin with but, you can do most of the regular home maintenance task on your own, even if you have no prior experience.


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